Music Animation
Genre: Music Animated Series
Format: HD
Crystal Planet is a new Sci-Fi/Noir animated series created by Ned Evett, Joe Satriani, and Brendon Small. The show is about Satchel Walker and Sarah Fortune, two young adults who have been marooned in time by a sentient electric guitar called The Time-Shredder. Through a series of high-stakes adventures, Satchel and Sarah try to return home by unlocking the millions of songs trapped within the Time-Shredder, and save the universe along with their troubled relationship. The guitar sounds of the Time-Shredder have been brought to life by series co-creator and guitar legend Joe Satriani.
It’s a universal story targeting the 18-49 key demographic. The central themes of Crystal Planet are individuality vs. conformity, innate talent vs. hard work, modern romantic relationships, and the concept of music literally taking us back and forth in time. Fans of Sci-Fi, classic rock music, guitar playing, and of course the millions of existing fans of series co-creators Joe Satriani and Brendon Small will instantly engage with the show and spread the word.
Joe Satriani
Grammy Nominated musician and visual artist Joe Satriani has a rabid global fanbase with over 4 million active users on social media and streaming. In 2018 he produced the feature length documentary “Beyond the Supernova” detailing his most recent concert tour along with a retrospective of his multi-platinum selling career. He co-founded Satchoons Animation Studio in 2014 with Ned Evett.
Brendon Small
Screenwriter/show creator Brendon Small is the mind behind the Squigglevision classic Home Movies as well as the metal cartoon classic “Metalocalypse” on Adult Swim. A world class guitarist, he’s also a talented voice actor with a resume that includes Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Bros, and Bob’s Burgers.
Ned Evett
Ned Evett animated the first version of Crystal Planet for Sony/Legacy Entertainment, based on the song “Lies and Truths” for Joe Satriani’s “Unstoppable Momentum” album, and a coffee table book of Joe’s artwork. He is currently writing a series of books based on his extensive development notes for the Crystal Planet.